5 October 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

How to Find the Balance between Security and Openness in the Context of Scientific Research Data

5 Oct 2023, 13:45
Y35-F-51 Teleteaching (UZH)

Y35-F-51 Teleteaching


Universität Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich


Victor Holanda Rusu (CSCS)


The balance between security and openness is an ongoing and evolving challenge. Security encompasses a broad spectrum, including national interests, cybersecurity, personal safety, intellectual property protection, and Research Data. On the other hand, openness embodies transparency, collaboration, and the sharing of information and ideas. Striking the right balance between these principles is essential for fostering innovation and ensuring the resilience of systems in the face of evolving threats. This presentation will touch on the topic's surface and discuss challenges one can face when implementing FAIR principles and Data Management plans for Research projects.

Presentation materials