Analysis discussion meeting



ELET optimized at lower energy --> Jump back to trigger time moves to lower energy

Time resolution degrades for lower energy with a more or less smooth trend

Time offset is less than one clock tick (for Ge02, on which it was tested)

Suggestion Frederik: We should flag when it defaults to trigger time

Weird things in gain drift: Not all detectors, not all peaks, rate stays the same, peakshape stays the same, ...

Sudden changes when going from direct stopping to gas cell and again when beam went down for a while

Suggestion Andreas: Check if same preamps, else check waveforms (unlikely to help), else don't use those lines and live with it



Done optimizing timing with Michael's code for silver data

Calibration with gaussians

Trying to fit with hypermet --> Currently worse than Gaussians



Comparing direct stopping and gas cell for uranium

Intensities should change according to Stella's simulations

Some weird aspects --> Will investigate further



SDD template fitting

Residuals are large for electron events --> Cut on chi2

Seemingly an overflow part at higher energy --> Should remove

Risetimes vs energy might be used for better timing?



Isolde Ra ionization efficiency: 40% with lasers, 10% without

Let's get a proposal ready and aim for implantation late 2024, beamtime on Ra-226 in 2025

Suggestion Michael: We need to check if recoiling daughters of radium sputter away stuff. Probably nothing, but good to check



FWO rejected Al proposal --> No additional funds for the second clover

Perhaps some moving around, else just one clover + other detector(s)



Working on funding application for quartet, looking good

3x4 year scheme

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