Sep 3 – 5, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone


PRISMAP is a project, supported by the European Commission, towards the building of a European network for medical radionuclides.

The PRISMAP project consists of 13 work packages, where one work package specifically focuses on the development of radiolanthanides towards medical applications. Lanthanides are receiving much focus these days due to their potential for therapeutic applications. While Lutetium-177 is seen as the “gold standard” in radionuclide/radioligand therapy, it is strongly believed in the scientific community that radiolanthanides have an important role to play in the theragnostics principle in nuclear medicine in future.

While PRISMAP focuses on the development of radiolanthanides, the programme has also focused on the training of young researchers in radiolanthanide production and development. As part of the work package in question, it is planned to stage a three-day workshop to cover what has been achieved over the last four years - from a production, preclinical and clinical perspective. It is planned to close the workshop with an overview panel to ascertain what lies ahead in this development. During the panel discussion, clinicians with experience in treating patients with radiolanthanides, such as terbium-161 will also provide insight to researchers with regard to its application.

The PRISMAP Radiolanthanides Workshop will be held at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland - one of the partners in the PRISMAP consortium - from 3 to 5 September 2024. The workshop is expected to draw delegates from partner institutes (Arronax/France, DTU/Denmark, SCK CEN/Belgium, NPL/ England, INFN/Italy, MEDICIS/CERN, IST-ID/Portugal, KU-Leuven/Belgium, TUM/Germany, CHUV/Switzerland and PSI/Switzerland) towards an intense and pragmatic discussion.

A provisional programme is described below:

Day 1: target preparation, production and chemical separation of radiolanthanides; and poster session

Day 2: preclinical and clinical application of lanthanide radiopharmaceuticals; poster session; gala dinner

Day 3: panel discussion; and PSI facility visit.