Sep 17 – 20, 2024
Bern, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

                                                    Thank you for attending the LEDS workshop 2024

The second annual workshop on Longitudinal Electron beam Dynamics for coherent Sources (LEDS'24) will be run by the Paul Scherrer Institut and aims to collect the most recent advancements in high brightness electron machines. This year's event will focus particularly on scattering, instabilities, and other collective effects that impact brightness in FELs and storage rings. The workshop will run from September 17th to 19th in Bern, Switzerland, and will be a talk by invitation-only, in-person event. On the 20th of September, we will have a visit to PSI. The event is limited to 40 people. We aim for an open exchange of ideas, and we will leave ample time for discourse and discussions. If you would like to participate in the workshop please contact the organisers Thomas Lucas ( or Simone Di Mitri ( We look forward to welcoming you to the city of Bern.

Bern, Switzerland
Haus der Universität
Schlösslistrasse 5 3008 Bern Switzerland
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