Analysis discussion meeting



We performed the melting and milling of the enriched 107Ag

Nothing yet of BR2, either Thomas or Marie will try to send some reminders



Sent around paper to the analysis team

Preparing for EURORIB and PLATAN conference presentations. --> Slides attached, let me know if you have specific comments/reservations



Working on Vud on K with Bijaya --> Uncertainties on mass/field shift from CRIS publication may be undetestimated by factor 2!



May not be possible to join for set up because of administrative rules --> We're trying to figure it out



strong 56Co source from last year may be good to use this year

Following up on order of 2 low energy detectors --> Michael: Nancy mentioned she could (if needed) send her planar from CERN to PSI. Let's evaluate what we want as time goes on

Source quotes for muX/Quartet

DAQ machine crashed, disks have been dismounted but should be checked --> Katharina will follow up on this

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