LTP(izza)hD 06/2024

WBGB/021 (TimeOut)

WBGB/021 (TimeOut)

Sophie Kollatzsch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Timothy David Hume (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

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All LTP students and postdocs of PSI and associated groups/universities are invited to join this event in the LTPhD seminar series. There will be plenty of time for discussions and to enjoy the pizza together.

  • Aziza Zendour
  • Cornelis Doorenbos
  • David Radic
  • Diego Alejandro Sanz-Becerra
  • Elmer Gründeman
  • Fabian Lange
  • Giuseppe Lospalluto
  • Joanna Peszka
  • Lea Segner
  • Lukas Affolter
  • Lukas Gerritzen
  • Marco Rocco
  • Mohamed Ahmed
  • Oscar Lara Crosas
  • Pranas Juknevicius
  • Ryusei Umakoshi
  • Sara Gündogdu
  • Siddharth Rajamohanan
  • Sophie Kollatzsch
  • Timothy Hume
  • Victoria Kletzl
  • Wei-Ling Chen
    • 17:30 17:50
      Radiation hardness of Kapton in a helium atmosphere 20m

      I'll share with you the result of my work performed during my semester thesis at the Mu3e experiment. I irradiated Kapton samples using Str-90 source, which can deliver in a few days a dose comparable to the one received during the first measurement campaign of the Mu3e experiment. Since the behavior of irradiated Kapton in helium atmosphere was unknown and several support structures of the Mu3e detector were built of Kapton, it was a motivated study.

      Speaker: Gian Caratsch (ETH Zurich)
    • 17:50 18:20
      Pizza 30m
    • 18:20 18:40
      Charged Higgs pair production through vector-boson fusion 20m

      Extending the scalar sector – the Higgs sector – of the Standard Model by two or more Higgs doublets always leads to charged Higgs mass eigenstates; conversely, the existence of charged Higgs bosons implies a non-minimal Standard model. This has motivated the search for charged Higgs bosons by both ATLAS and CMS. For my master’s thesis project, I am computing the cross section of the production of two charged Higgs bosons through vector-boson (gauge boson) fusion. To account for corrections at the QCD vertices, we are using the structure function approach defined in terms of the hadronic tensor.

      Speaker: Irina Rusetski (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)