Analysis discussion meeting



TUM working on pro forma --> We may still get 2 JINR detectors this year



Finished simulations for all detectors with multithreading incorporated

Tried fixing sum of detector distances and looked for optimum --> Expected order of importances

Adding detectors around another detector --> Compton remains basically the same, slight increase in 511

Next? Michel electrons and/or Compton contribution to the background



Reran for gaindrift correction, optimal anticoincidence window ~[-3; 1]µs (1 before muon, 3 after)

Redid gaindrift --> Same results with more statistics. Ge06A is wonky, but other Ge06 probably quite ok?

Weird pop up of 2p-1s in second group of 39K runs --> Will check if just a few runs or the entire second block. Doesn't happen for anything else, so shouldn't be a problem, but would be better not to have this.

Coupled hypermet fitting:

  • input: source + range info; parameters of sigma fit; initial lineshape parameters
  • output: centroid positions; lineshape parameters; lineshape correlations

Recalibrating using quadratic fit, using bootstrapping to estimate uncertainty --> Will benefit greatly from factor 2 increased statistics!

Karim Bennaceur will try to do some charge distribution calculations for us --> V2 corrections


War War:

Effects of air, titanium window, plastic+mylar

Do we make deeper holders for bigger samples

Comment Andreas: Make sure you get the density right, can be a big issue with the tiny sample! --> War War will follow up on this



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