Operando is a term introduced in chemistry in 2002 indicating that functional material characterization is performed under reaction conditions and combined with simultaneous measurements of its performance (activity, selectivity, etc.). PSI has many groups that are at the forefront of using and developing operando methods in different fields of chemistry. These groups are located in the center for photon science (CPS) and in the center for energy and environmental sciences (CEE).
We cordially invite you to the first PSI operando seminar, where PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from different groups will give an overview of their state-of-the-art research using operando methods thus providing a small overview of the activities at PSI. We are pleased to have a renowned speaker, Prof. Atsushi Urakawa (Technical University of Delft), opening this operando seminar.
Please register by the 20th September 2024 so that we have enough coffee and lunch available.
The organizers,
Davide, Luca, Maarten