3–5 Jun 2025
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone
Registration for the conference has reached full capacity and is now closed. If you wish to be considered as a reserve in case of cancellations, please email rd12@psi.ch

Important Information

1. Create an account on the website

To register for the conference, participants must have a valid account at indico.psi.ch.  When you register or submit your abstract, you will need to log in with your account.

We will not consider any abstracts until a registration form has been completed. 


2. Registration

Registartion opens in January 2025 and is mandatory to participate in the workshop.

Please make sure you register even if you have been invited to give a presentation.

To guarantee your place at the conference, payment must be completed.  You will be guided to the payment options after the registration form is submitted.

PSI Local paricipants: Please make sure to submit your KST, as payment by Credit Card can not be accepted internally.

Please note, that you will not be allowed to enter the conference without having registered and paid, due to catering and seating restrictions. This is also to be fair to those who have registered and paid.

Please note that travel to and from the venue, accommodation and insurance ARE NOT COVERED. 


3. Registration fees

The registration fee is 300 CHF. 

Payment should be done by Credit Card during the registration process. If this is not possible, please contact the workshop secretariat (rd12@psi.ch).

The fee covers:

  • luncheons and tea/coffee breaks 
  • conference dinner on Thursday evening
  • local excursion to PSI and SwissFEL


Please note that travel to and from the venue, accommodation and insurance ARE NOT COVERED, unless exception was granted by the organizers.

If you need financial support to particpate, please contact rd12@psi.ch directly.


4. Abstract submission for oral and poster presentation

Whether you are an invited speaker, chair, or you wish to present a poster, please submit an abstract. (max 400 words).

Poster presentation acceptance will be communicated in April of 2025.


5. Accommodation

Participants are responsible for booking their own accomodation.

We encourage all participants to stay at his location, since it provides the best acces to both the venue and conference dinner location.

Please visit the Accommodation page for the suggested Hotel accomodation. With the code provided during regsitration you are eligable for a reduced rate at the official meeting Hotel. 


6. Invitation letter

If you need an invitation letter, please contact rd12@psi.ch.


7. Cancellation

All refund requests must be sent by email to rd12@psi.ch as soon as possible.

The Local Organization Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement, depending on the date of cancellation, due to costs already incurred. (Catering, staff & venue hire).

Each request for a refund will be considered on an individual basis.


8. Rejection

The conference committee reserves the right to reject any application that does not meet our standards of science, integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct.


9. Paper-less conference

Abstract book will be electronically distributed and a printed version will not be provided.