27–29 Nov 2012
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone
<strong>The registration is now closed </strong>



The school aims to give a general overview of modern powder diffraction methods for analyzing the atomic structure and microstructure of materials.

The first two sessions will cover powder diffraction studies of the atomic structure and studies of the microstructure. Applications in different fields of interests will be illustrated. In the third session, modern and advanced topics – simultaneous spectroscopy, neutron powder diffraction, time-resolved in-situ methods, extreme conditions, and a glimpse at the near future, with diffraction applications of the SwissFEL – will be covered.

An experimental session will follow at the Powder Diffraction station of the MS beamline of the SLS, where different experiments will be executed.

In the fifth session, the collected data will be analyzed by different methods and programs, according to the intended purpose.

Finally, a general discussion and farewell will close the proceedings.