A new muon beam line for fundamental physics study in J-PARC

10 Sept 2013, 18:00



Dr Naritoshi Kawamura (KEK)


Since the first beam in 2008, Muon Facility, J-PARC (MUSE) has been operated, and the beam intensity reached at the 3E+6/s, the most intense pulsed muon beam in the world, under 200-kW proton beam. From the 2-cm thick graphite target, four secondary muon beam lines are able to be extracted to the experimental areas. A new beam line is planed to be constructed. This beamline is designed to have a large acceptance, momentum tunablity, and ability of kicker-device and wien filter use. This beam line will provide an intense beam for fundamental physics which will occupy the experimental area for a long time in comparison with material-science programs. The design work and the schedule be presented.


A new beam line, which will be constracted in Muon Facility, J-PARC, is dedicated to fundamental physics study.
Details of this new beam line will be presented.

Primary author


Dr Koichiro Shimomura (KEK) Dr Masaharu Aoki (University of Osaka) Dr Naohito Saito (KEK) Dr Tsutomu Mibe (KEK) Dr Yasuhiro Miyake (KEK)

Presentation materials