Experimental search for atomic EDM in 129Xe using active nuclear spin maser

11 Sept 2013, 12:35
Oral We - 2


Prof. Yuichi Ichikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


Since the electric dipole moment (EDM) in diamagnetic atoms strongly depends on nuclear structure, the EDM searches for various species are meaningful. We aim to measure the EDM in $^{129}$Xe to a size of 10$^{-28}$ $e$cm, stepping into a domain below the present upper limit by one order of magnitude. Such the EDM search requires an improvement in the frequency precision down to 1 nHz. In this study, an active nuclear spin maser, which enables us to sustain the spin precession of $^{129}$Xe in a long measurement duration, is employed. A comagnetometer using $^3$He has been incorporated to the system in order to cancel out a long-term drift in the external magnetic field. The developments in the frequency precision using the active spin maser and the current status of the EDM measurement will be presented.

Primary author

Prof. Yuichi Ichikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


Prof. Akihiro Yoshimi (Okayama University) Prof. Christopher Bidinosti (University of Winnipeg) Ms Eri Hikota (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Dr Hideki Ueno (RIKEN Nishina Center) Mr Hirokazu Miyatake (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Prof. Koichiro Asahi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Dr Kunifumi Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Masato Tsuchiya (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Masatoshi Chikamori (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Takahiro Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Prof. Takashi Ino (KEK) Prof. Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan University) Prof. Takeshi Furukawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Dr Takeshi Inoue (Tohoku University) Mr Tomoya Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Tsubasa Nanao (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Yu Sakamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Yuichi Ohtomo (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Prof. Yukari Matsuo (Hosei University)

Presentation materials