Michael Hardiman
(University of Sussex)
In the CryoEDM experiment at ILL, magnetic resonance is performed on ultra-cold neutrons stored in superfluid helium at 0.6K. The sensitivity to an electric dipole moment is directly proportional to the strength of the E-field applied across the resonance cell. It has been suggested that the dielectric properties of liquid helium should permit the use of fields much higher than the ~10kV/cm obtainable to date in room temperature nEDM experiments. We report data showing that ~400kV/cm can be maintained in small (~1mm separation) test cells containing helium at 1.3K and 1.5bar. We discuss some of the factors which are expected to limit the E-field in a large (~4cm separation) CryoEDM cell and the implications for systematic effects.
Primary author
Michael Hardiman
(University of Sussex)