A new source for ultracold neutrons at TRIGA Mainz: latest results

10 Sept 2013, 17:15
Oral Tu - 4


Mr Jan Peter Karch (Institute of Physics, University of Mainz)


Ultracold neutrons (UCN) are a powerful tool for addressing many fascinating questions in particle physics, nuclear physics, and astronomy. UCNs offer unique opportunities for investigating the properties of the free neutron, such as its lifetime, with exceptionally high precision. In order to tackle the obvious count rate limitations, super-thermal UCN sources are now under construction at different places worldwide. Within PRISMA cluster of excellence the existing UCN source at TRIGA Mainz will be upgraded in its performance to reach very high UCN number densities. The talk gives an overview on the present optimization work at the pulsable UCN source at beamport D, measures to improve the UCN yield and future plans to establish a user facility at TRIGA Mainz.

Primary authors

Mr Jan Peter Karch (Institute of Physics, University of Mainz) Dr Yury Sobolev (Institut fuer Physik, Johannes-Gutenberg Universitaet, Mainz)


Dr Gabriele Hampel (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz) Dr Klaus Eberhardt (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz) Dr Marcus Beck (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz and Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) Dr Norbert Trautmann (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz) Mr Robin Kieser (Institute of Physics, University of Mainz) Prof. Tobias Reich (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz) Prof. Werner Heil (Institute of Physics)

Presentation materials