The assessment of the radiation induced damage in structural materials of accelerator driven systems and spallation neutron sources requires the knowledge of displacement cross-sections in a wide energy range of primary nucleons. The commonly applied Norgett-Robinson-Torrens approximation was recently shown to provide results which disagree significantly with experimental data. In our approach, displacement cross-sections are calculated on the basis of the binary collision approximation model and results of molecular dynamics simulations. In the frame of this work, calculations were performed for a number of structural material elements including the main constituents of stainless steel. Recoil spectra were obtained by various models including the nuclear optical model and the intra-nuclear cascade evaporation model. The IOTA code was applied to obtain the number of defects in the irradiated materials. Calculations were performed for primary neutron and proton energies up to 1 GeV. Data for low energy neutrons were taken from ENDF/B-VII and processed by a modified version of the NJOY code. The calculated displacement cross-sections were stored on data files using the ENDF-6 format.
Contact: Luca Zanini (5255)