Nov 3 – 5, 2013
<b><a href="">Hotel Astoria, Lucerne</b></a>
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sponsor packages

Sponsor packages

Exhibition stand CHF 2000
10 min vendor presentation in exhibitor's session (incl. abstract in book of abstracts) CHF 1000
A4 advert in book of abstracts CHF  500
A5 advert in book of abstracts CHF  250
Opening reception wine sponsoring SOLD
Conference dinner wine sponsoring CHF 2500
Conference dinner entertainment sponsoring CHF 3000
Student bursary sponsoring CHF 1000
Others (We are open to other suggestions of sponsoring such as pens, writing pads, etc...) at discretion

All sponsors will be mentioned on the conference web page as well as in the book of abstracts.

We are open to other suggestions of sponsoring (pens, writing pads, …).

Sponsoring will be complete when payement is received. 

Please note that sponsoring does NOT include the registration fee!
Registering as a participant is essential, register now

Cancellation policy
  • Refund policy: No refund will be given in case of cancellation.
  • Substitutions will not incur additional costs.