Arrival on campus
Directions to the Paul Scherrer Institut
Campus map
By public transport
Nearest railway stations are Brugg (fast train stop) and Siggenthal-Würenlingen. There are bus services twice an hour, more frequently during morning and evening rush hours, from the two stations to PSI West.
From Brugg take bus number 376 in the direction of Döttingen, get off at PSI West (travelling time approx. 18 minutes).
From Siggenthal-Würenlingen take bus number 357 in the direction of Brugg, get off at PSI West (travelling time approx. 10 minutes). By plane
Nearest international airports
Pay and display car parking is available for school participants. We advise that you allow sufficient time for a walk of up to ten minutes from the car park to get to your destination on the campus. You can leave your luggage at the PSI Reception West.
Disabled parking spaces are available close to the entrance of the Swiss Light Source.
Please refer to the scientific programme for the room allocation. All meeting rooms will also be signposted from Reception West.
Registration & dosimeter hand out

The school registration opens at 8:30 on 1 July in the foyer of building WHGA (watch out for the Red Mammoth in front of the entrance).
The location will also be signposted from the bus stop PSI West, the car park entrance and Reception West.
Directions to the Paul Scherrer Institut
Campus map
By public transport
Nearest railway stations are Brugg (fast train stop) and Siggenthal-Würenlingen. There are bus services twice an hour, more frequently during morning and evening rush hours, from the two stations to PSI West.
From Brugg take bus number 376 in the direction of Döttingen, get off at PSI West (travelling time approx. 18 minutes).
From Siggenthal-Würenlingen take bus number 357 in the direction of Brugg, get off at PSI West (travelling time approx. 10 minutes). By plane
Nearest international airports
- Zurich: take the public transport to PSI West (one-way CHF 20.40), the transfer time is approx. 60 - 75 minutes
Basel Euroairport: take the public transport to PSI West (one-way CHF 29.40), the transfer time is approx. 95 minutes
Flights to Basel often tend to be cheaper than the ones to Zurich
Pay and display car parking is available for school participants. We advise that you allow sufficient time for a walk of up to ten minutes from the car park to get to your destination on the campus. You can leave your luggage at the PSI Reception West.
Disabled parking spaces are available close to the entrance of the Swiss Light Source.
When arriving by taxi, please request that your taxi drops you in front of the PSI Reception West.
- Raiffeisenbank, Villigen (closest to PSI)
- Würenlingen
- Brugg (the cash dispenser on platform 1 at the railway station is very convenient if you travel by public transport)
- Kleindöttingen and Döttingen
Please refer to the scientific programme for the room allocation. All meeting rooms will also be signposted from Reception West.
Registration & dosimeter hand out
The school registration opens at 8:30 on 1 July in the foyer of building WHGA (watch out for the Red Mammoth in front of the entrance).
The location will also be signposted from the bus stop PSI West, the car park entrance and Reception West.