Sep 21 – 25, 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Process is King-Selecting the right Design for new HOTCELLS

Sep 23, 2014, 9:00 AM
Oral Remote Handling Remote Handling


Mr David Barker (Aquila Nuclear Engineering Ltd)


It is important to undertake any hot cell and containment project with a clear statement of intent. This statement of intent is sometimes called a Functional Requirement Specification or FRS. It is the FRS that should be used as the basis for design and the process from which all other items are developed. The paper will describe the engineering process employed by Aquila Nuclear Engineering in producing fit for purpose HOTCELLS designs using the Aquila Influence Diagram (AID)


The Aquila team of Engineers have designed, manufactured and installed over 100 bespoke hot cells within the past 15 years. We have learnt over these years to listen to our Clients needs in terms of process and functionality before embarking on hot cell proposals which may be ill founded and raise false expectations.

Process is King is our motto and it is from the processes inside the cells that all design criteria start to fall into place. We use the Aquila Influence Diagram (AID) to make sure we ask our clients the right questions and engineer the answers into the scheme design.

Primary author

Mr David Barker (Aquila Nuclear Engineering Ltd)

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