Didier Gavillet
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/22/14, 9:00 AM
Martin Zimmermann
9/22/14, 9:30 AM
Daniel Kuster
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/22/14, 11:00 AM
MEGAPIE is an experiment aiming at demonstrating the safe operation of a liquid-metal spallation target at a beam power level of 1 MW in the SINQ target station at the PSI. It is an international collaboration of ten partners and is of relevance for accelerator driven reactor systems, in which an accelerator and target provide the neutrons necessary to maintain a fission reaction. The MEGAPIE...
Des Wright
(Nuclear Natiopnal Laboratory)
9/22/14, 11:30 AM
The depth and breadth of ceramic fuels manufacture R&D capability within the UK is based on decades of support to UK industry programmes together with involvement in international programmes. With the closure of the final UK programme in this area these skills are likely to diminish without other programmes being implemented to sustain them.
In response to concerns relating to the UK’s...
Huacai Wang
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
9/22/14, 1:30 PM
In order to investigate the behaviour of PWR fuel rods, eight fuel rods extracted from reactor of Qinshan NPP(QNPP) were examined at the hot cell facility ofChina Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) in Beijing. The maximum burnup was about 40 GWD/TU. This paper presents the results of non-destructive examination. The results included: 1) Status of cladding surface, 2) cladding integrity, 3)...
Hiroki Obata
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
9/22/14, 2:00 PM
The amount of hydrogen absorbed to the fuel cladding increases by extended burnup fuel. The absorbed hydrogen that exceed solid solubility limit precipitates as the hydride phase. The high concentration of hydride causes the fuel cladding embrittlement which might become the origination of fractures of the cladding. Therefore, it is important to measure the hydrogen content in the cladding to...
9/22/14, 3:30 PM
The Nuclear Material Department (DMN) of CEA Saclay is invested in a new nano-characterization platform for irradiation effects analysis. It is composed of a nuclearized Atom Probe Tomography (APT), a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), a high resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) microscopes coupled with a SEM...
Heather Chichester
(Idaho National Laboratory)
9/22/14, 4:00 PM
The Gas Assay, Sample and Recharge (GASR) system at the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF) at Idaho National Laboratory is used to puncture fuel elements, collect gas samples for analysis, and determine the free volume in a fuel element. This process is used to sample and determine fission gas release from irradiated fuel experiments. Accurate knowledge of the GASR system component...
Douglas Burkes
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
9/22/14, 4:30 PM
Monolithic uranium-molybdenum (U-Mo) has been proposed as one fuel design capable of converting some of the world’s highest power research reactors from using high-enriched uranium (HEU) to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. One aspect of the fuel development and qualification process is to demonstrate the extent of fission product release from the fuel under anticipated service environments. ...
Liang Ren
(Nuclear Power Institute of China)
9/22/14, 5:00 PM
The poolside inspection technology is introduced through the underwater inspection of pressurized water reactor fuel assembly and each inspection method is discussed and analyzed. This technology mainly including visual testing, dimension measurement and eddy oxide measurement. The results show that the surface state, irradiation growth, and oxide layer thickness of pressurized water reactor...
Jean Philippe BAYLE
9/23/14, 8:30 AM
This study concerns the Advanced Processes of Conversion and Manufacturing of fuels for transmutation. One of the fuel manufacturing processes arises from the conventional process of the powder metallurgy industry and enables pellet shaping in dies and sintering. The shaping of the MABB pellets is currently done manually in hot cells. In this study, automation for this manufacturing and a...
David Barker
(Aquila Nuclear Engineering Ltd)
9/23/14, 9:00 AM
It is important to undertake any hot cell and containment project with a clear statement of intent. This statement of intent is sometimes called a Functional Requirement Specification or FRS.
It is the FRS that should be used as the basis for design and the process from which all other items are developed.
The paper will describe the engineering process employed by Aquila Nuclear...
(PaR Systems, Inc.)
9/23/14, 10:00 AM
PaR Systems has been providing remotely-controlled manipulator systems for use in hot cells since 1961. These systems traditionally consist of a bridge which traverses crane rails on the inside of the cell walls; a carriage that traverses rails on the bridge; a telescoping mast that provides vertical travel; and an electro-mechanical manipulator. Manipulators are generally 5-7 axes and are...
Jean-Luc PAUL
(CEA), Mr
9/23/14, 11:00 AM
The Phenix Irradiated Elements Cell was started up in 1973 and the Annex Cell in 1981. They are dedicated to the dismantling of the spent fuel sub-assemblies, to the post-irradiated nondestructive examinations on the sub-assemblies, the irradiated capsules and the pins, and, in the early stage of operation to the refabrication of new experimental capsules with irradiated pins.
Ki-Soo Heo
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
9/23/14, 11:30 AM
To measure a very small fission gas amount in fuel rod, laser puncturing was available to make hole on the surface of a cladding tube instead of steel needle puncturing due to reduction of chamber volume. After puncturing, pressure difference was measured by a fine pressure gauge. A small chamber and a quartz tube were used to measure small gas amount and to penetrate laser shot from outside....
Smail Chalal
(Carl Zeiss sas, France)
9/23/14, 1:30 PM
Abstract for HotLab-2014 conference
FIB/SEM in a hot cell
I. Zacharie AUBRUN1 , O. RABOUILLE2 , P. Montel3 , R. Soto3 ,C. DEPAGNE4, S. CHALAL4
1 CEA Cadarache (DEC/SA3C/LEMCI), 2 CEA Saclay (DEN/DMN/SEMI/LM2E), 3 Defisystèmes, 4 Carl Zeiss sas France
A FIB/SEM is an instrument combining a Focus Ion Beam and a high resolution field emission Scanning Electron Microscope....
Magnus Göhran
(Work Package Manager)
9/23/14, 2:00 PM
The European Spallation Source (ESS), Lund, Sweden will be a 5MW long pulsed neutron research facility with planned commissioning in 2019. A connected hot cell facility will deal with the large, heavy and complex radioactive components as they reach their lifetime limit after service in the neutron research facility. The hot cell will be unique in its design for this specific reason. A special...
Lennart Åström
(Fagerström Industrikonsult AB)
9/23/14, 2:30 PM
The European Spallation Source (ESS), Lund, Sweden will be a 5MW long pulsed neutron spallation research facility with planned commission 2019. The ESS hot cell facility will be equipped with several systems and functions, where one of the functions shall cover the complete dismantling, separation and preparation for final disposal of the irradiated tungsten target wheel. The target wheel has...
Wade Karlsen
(VTT Centre for Nuclear Safety)
9/24/14, 8:30 AM
VTT has been hosting the Finnish national hot laboratory infrastructure since the first nuclear power plants were constructed in Finland in the 1970’s. Historically the principle radioactive materials handling has been for the testing of reactor pressure vessel steels, but over time the activities have broadened to outgrow both the capacity and capabilities of the existing facilities. As...
Robert Zubler
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/24/14, 9:00 AM
As nuclear installation at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) the department HOTLAB (AHL) is obligated by the Swiss regulator to serve a management system according to the IAEA Standard GS R-3.
The Laboratory of Nuclear Materials (LNM) as well as the AHL have to fulfill the ISO 9001 standard as a major request from their customers site (fuel industry and Swiss power plants).
As consequents AHL...
Marco Streit
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/24/14, 9:30 AM
For the detection and control of nuclear fuel samples and monitoring with respect to criticality safety, the 1998 from PSI developed KBuch program has been used. In autumn 2011, a logic error was detected in the software during a routine booking with extraordinary nuclear fuel. This bug was reported to the national regulator ENSI and appropriate administrative measures have been taken to...
(CEA Cadarache. DPIE/RJH)
9/24/14, 10:00 AM
The general purpose of this paper is to present the implementation, in the Jules Horowitz Reactor Project (JHR) hot cells, of most recent requirements of French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) and Experimental needs, with taking into account of experience of hot cells use, gained in CEA nuclear facilities.
The Jules Horowitz Reactor is the new CEA material and fuel testing reactor. This...
9/24/14, 11:00 AM
In the frame of the back-end of the nuclear spent fuel, the shielded cells of ATALANTE facility which are called C11-C12, are dedicated to R&D studies on the high-activity chemistry of the dissolution of spent nuclear fuel and more generally to the issues of the first step of the PUREX process. The experimental programs carried out since the hot commissioning in 1999 have required permanent...
Hyoung-Mun Kwon
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
9/24/14, 11:30 AM
KAERI developed a shielded secondary electron microscope, which was remodeled from the Philips XL-30 model in 1998. The SEM was installed inside a glovebox, which had the shielding wall of 17 cm carbon steel and the confinement wall of hardened glass. Also, the glovebox was connected to the deep under pressure (DUP) line of a HVAC system. The shielded SEM has been applied to fractography of a...
Johan Schuurmans
9/24/14, 1:30 PM
Experience has shown that it is practically impossible to obtain a reproducible, sharp, narrow machined notch using conventional manufacturing techniques that will simulate a natural crack well enough to provide a satisfactory fracture toughness test result. Consequently, all specimens used for the determination of the fracture toughness of metallic materials must contain notches sharpened...
Eberhard Bamberg
(Viteris Technologies), Dr
Edward Obbard
(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
9/24/14, 2:00 PM
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) has operated research reactors since the late 1950s. The OPAL reactor was commissioned in 2007 and is used as a source of neutrons for medicine, provision of beams for research, silicon irradiation, NAA/DNAA and the effects of neutron irradiation on structural materials. While ANSTO has extensive hot cell facilities on site...
Ondrej Srba
(Centrum vyzkumu Rez)
9/24/14, 2:30 PM
Paper presents the continuation of construction of hot cell facility within the project SUSEN (Sustainable Energy) at CVR (Research centre Rez) [1]. The cells will be used for preparation and testing of irradiated structural materials. The project uses existing building converted for the purpose of placement of new hot cells. New design is used – heavy shielding with airtight steel box.
Radim Kopriva
(UJV Rez, a. s.)
9/24/14, 3:30 PM
The paper presents the procedure and current status of refurbishment project of two semi-hot cells at UJV Rez, a. s. with linked project focused on the design and construction of new transport system for irradiated specimens from semi-hot cell No. 1 to the refurbished semi-hot cell no. 9. Reconstruction was carried out at the Mechanical Testing Department of Integrity and Technical Engineering...
Heiko-Dirk Potthast
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/24/14, 4:00 PM
In nuclear research it is most important to gain efficient solutions in waste management following all terms to content all involved parties.
Within the PSI HOTLAB liquid waste treatment facility called "FIXBOX" liquid radioactive waste is conditioned to be submitted to intermediate storage or final disposal as cemented solid drums. Recently, the third generation of the FIXBOX is in its...
Didier Gavillet
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/24/14, 4:30 PM
Brandon Miller
(Idaho National Laboratory)
Poster presentation of the FIB preparation and Analysis of irradiated fuel
Young Gwan Jin
(KAERI, 989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-353, Republic of Korea)
The mechanical properties of a space grid of a fuel assembly are of great importance for fuel operation reliability in extended fuel burnup and duration of fuel life. A spacer grid with inner and outer straps has cell spring and dimples, which are in contact with the fuel rod. The spacer grids supporting the fuel rods absorb vibration impacts due to the reactor coolant flow, and grid spring...
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
The non-destructive detection technique of corrosion and defect on the irradiated fuel assembly has been developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of the corrosion layers (from 0 mm to 0.7 mm thickness) and the cracks (from 0.1 mm to 0.8 mm width) on a cladding tube were taken. The corrosion layers of more than 0.35 mm thickness and the cracks of...
Jeongnam Jang
(Korea Atomic Research Institute)
KAERI’s R&D group had produced a lot of low cycle fatigue data for an un-irradiated fuel cladding tube using a cyclic pressurization device. However, the infrastructures and fatigue test techniques, which can produce the fatigue data on the irradiated fuel cladding tube, are still worse off in Korea. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to develop low cycle fatigue test techniques for...