(CEA Cadarache. DPIE/RJH)
The general purpose of this paper is to present the implementation, in the Jules Horowitz Reactor Project (JHR) hot cells, of most recent requirements of French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) and Experimental needs, with taking into account of experience of hot cells use, gained in CEA nuclear facilities.
The Jules Horowitz Reactor is the new CEA material and fuel testing reactor. This facility includes hot cells, mostly for irradiated components management and Non Destructive Examinations (NDE). These cells are currently being mounted on site.
Several topics will be presented:
• Safety requirements of French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) and design consequences : containment, fire protection, seismic analysis, etc.
• Experimental needs and associated NDE equipment,
• General layout of JHR hot cells and foreseen equipment.
Primary author
(CEA Cadarache. DPIE/RJH)