Sep 21 – 25, 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

IR&D funding within the UKs NNL: an overview and IR&D case study

Sep 22, 2014, 9:50 AM
Meeting Room

Meeting Room

Oral Opening


Dr Suzy Morgan (NNL)


Internally funded research and development (IR&D) is an integral part of the UK's National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) strategy.  Over the past few decades, the UK has seen a decreasing trend in funding nuclear research, alongside a community at risk of losing leading researchers within 5-10 years and limited availability of facilities to support those researchers wishing to work in this field. Only recently has this begun to change, although a steady increase between 2000-2009 still leaves current funding levels at only 7% of what they were in 1980.  A significant (50%) increase of NNLs internal research budget emphasises this recent change of attitude within the UK. Internal research supports development and enhancement of NNLs technical reputation through new or novel projects, a key part of which is progression of junior technical staff. In addition, IR&D projects often provide funding for experts to interact with national and international collaborators, for example for development of joint research proposals which are actively encouraged through this programme.  A recent IR&D project, the aim of which was to carry out a feasibility study towards re-instating active fumehood DSC techniques on reactor irradiated materials, will be described. An irradiated austenitic steel (irradiated @ ~500C for ~60,000hrs to 5dpa in CO2) was studied as part of this programme, the initial results of which are described here, in addition to the assessment of the impact of research.

Primary author

Dr Suzy Morgan (NNL)

Presentation materials