Sep 21 – 25, 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Integrated Mangementsystem in a modern HOTLAB

Sep 24, 2014, 9:30 AM
Oral Administration Tools Administrativ Tool


Marco Streit (Paul Scherrer Institut)


For the detection and control of nuclear fuel samples and monitoring with respect to criticality safety, the 1998 from PSI developed KBuch program has been used. In autumn 2011, a logic error was detected in the software during a routine booking with extraordinary nuclear fuel. This bug was reported to the national regulator ENSI and appropriate administrative measures have been taken to prevent the recurrence of the logic error. ENSI additional requirement: “Given the fact that the logic fault is inherent and can’ t be resolved in the short term, effective measures to prevent future accounting errors must be taken to medium term. The software should be developed to state of the art as soon as possible”. Subsequently, a project was launched to update the used software as required. In a first step a total situation analysis was performed. It was clearly seen that today's program Kbuch has many interfaces to the QM system (users, facilities, containers, ... ) , as well to the present sample management software. Those interfaces have been identified to be potential sources of errors in the current situation. The decision was taken at PSI to start a complete new development of the software instead of performing only an update of the existing program. This decision allows the development of the software to current state of the art, improves update capabilities in the future and allows the restructuring of the software (kernel, GUI, interfaces). In spring 2013, five software companies were invited for bidding. From this call the company IQS Ltd. in Zofingen (CH) was chosen as a partner for the now following phases. In summer 2013, the concept of the new planed program was presented successfully to the regulator. The known potential of the standard software IQSoft from the chosen project partner IQS Ltd, leads to the idea of an integrated management system at PSI HOTLAB. This presentation shows on basis of the IQSoft standard software the status of the actual project to an integrated management system in a modern HOTLAB

Primary author

Marco Streit (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Mr Colin Kost (IQS AG) Mr Michael Kiel (IQS AG) Mr Robert Zubler (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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