Sep 21 – 25, 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Non-destructive examination on spent fuel rods

Sep 22, 2014, 1:30 PM


Mr Huacai Wang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)


In order to investigate the behaviour of PWR fuel rods, eight fuel rods extracted from reactor of Qinshan NPP(QNPP) were examined at the hot cell facility ofChina Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) in Beijing. The maximum burnup was about 40 GWD/TU. This paper presents the results of non-destructive examination. The results included: 1) Status of cladding surface, 2) cladding integrity, 3) distribution of oxide film on the outer surface of claddings, 4) dimensional change on axial and circumferential, 5) distribution of fission products in the fuel column, 6) defects, uniformity and structural integrity of the fuel and cladding. The obtained data could be used to evaluate the security, reliability and nuclear fuel performance, and for PWR fuel improvement.

Primary author

Prof. Zhengqiang Liang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)


Mr He Jiang (CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.) Mr Huacai Wang (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Mr Kejiang Wang (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Mr Qi Tang (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Mr Xin Wang (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Mr Xincai Xue (CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.) Mr Xinxin Zhu (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Mr Zhenguo Yin (China Institute of Atomic Energy)

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