21–25 Sept 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Inpections & Sample Extraction on the MEGAPIE Liquid Lead-Bismuth Spallation Neutron Target in the PSI Hotlab Hotcells

22 Sept 2014, 11:00
Oral Remote Handling Remote Handling


Daniel Kuster (Paul Scherrer Institut)


MEGAPIE is an experiment aiming at demonstrating the safe operation of a liquid-metal spallation target at a beam power level of 1 MW in the SINQ target station at the PSI. It is an international collaboration of ten partners and is of relevance for accelerator driven reactor systems, in which an accelerator and target provide the neutrons necessary to maintain a fission reaction. The MEGAPIE experiment will be an important ingredient in defining and initiating the next step towards building a target for the accelerator of a dedicated accelerator-driven reactor system (ADS). Inspections of several target parts and sample extraction on parts of the target, including all preparations and handling in the PSI hot cells, began in 2011 and finished end of 2013. The presentation will show the technical side, prepreparation, preparation and buildup of the necessary infrastructure, sample extraction and disposal at the end of the 2 years work.

Primary author

Daniel Kuster (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation materials

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