Hyoung-Mun Kwon
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
KAERI developed a shielded secondary electron microscope, which was remodeled from the Philips XL-30 model in 1998. The SEM was installed inside a glovebox, which had the shielding wall of 17 cm carbon steel and the confinement wall of hardened glass. Also, the glovebox was connected to the deep under pressure (DUP) line of a HVAC system. The shielded SEM has been applied to fractography of a spent fuel pellet, crud analysis of a PWR cladding, surface inspection of the contact area between grid spring and fuel rod, hydride morphology analysis of a cladding and so on.
Currently, we have developed the quantitative analysis techniques by the WDS-SEM. As a part of the development, we remodeled a sputter coater for hotcell and made a quantitative analysis program for a WDS-SEM including the function of inspecting the beam stability. We have plan to analyze fission products like Xenon and Neodymium inside a spent fuel and dopants like Manganese and Chromium of doped UO2 by the techniques.
Primary author
Hyoung-Mun Kwon
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Dosik Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Hyung-Kwon Lee
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
June-Sik Ju
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Yong-Bum Chun
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)