21–25 Sept 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study on Poolside Inspection Technology for Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel Assembly

22 Sept 2014, 17:00


Mr Liang Ren (Nuclear Power Institute of China)


The poolside inspection technology is introduced through the underwater inspection of pressurized water reactor fuel assembly and each inspection method is discussed and analyzed. This technology mainly including visual testing, dimension measurement and eddy oxide measurement. The results show that the surface state, irradiation growth, and oxide layer thickness of pressurized water reactor fuel assembly have been achieved accurate and reliable from the poolside inspection technology. And the necessary basis is provided for the irradiation stability and integrity of pressurized water reactor fuel assembly.

Primary author

Mr Liang Ren (Nuclear Power Institute of China)


Mr Haisheng Zhang (Nuclear Power Institute of China) Mr Xiaoyong Wu (Nuclear Power Institute of China)

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