Des Wright
(Nuclear Natiopnal Laboratory)
22/09/2014, 11:30
Fuel Production Facilities
The depth and breadth of ceramic fuels manufacture R&D capability within the UK is based on decades of support to UK industry programmes together with involvement in international programmes. With the closure of the final UK programme in this area these skills are likely to diminish without other programmes being implemented to sustain them.
In response to concerns relating to the UK’s...
Jean Philippe BAYLE
23/09/2014, 08:30
Fuel Production Facilities
This study concerns the Advanced Processes of Conversion and Manufacturing of fuels for transmutation. One of the fuel manufacturing processes arises from the conventional process of the powder metallurgy industry and enables pellet shaping in dies and sintering. The shaping of the MABB pellets is currently done manually in hot cells. In this study, automation for this manufacturing and a...