Nov 17 – 19, 2015
<b><span style="font-size:20px;"><Font Color="red"><a href="">Paul Scherrer Institute</b></Font></span></a>
Europe/Zurich timezone
Thank you for participating in ISSX Workshop!



Day 1: Nov. 17th, Tuesday
15:00 - 16:00 Registration (Time-out building)
16:00 - 16:10 Welcome (WBGB/019)
16:10 - 17:00 Martin Caffrey (Trinity College Dublin)
                     Membrane and Soluble Protein Crystallization for Structure-Function Studies Using Lipid                            Mesophases. In situ diffraction data collection
17:00 - 17:40 Meitian Wang (Paul Scherrer Institute)
                     Data collection strategy: from single-crystal to multi-crystal and serial crystallography
17:40 - 18:30 Kay Diederichs (University of Konstanz)
                     What are the concepts behind data processing statistics?
                     Special considerations in serial crystallography
18:30 - 20:00 Dinner (Time-Out)
20:00 - 21:00 Keynote lecture: Chris Tate (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge)
                     Adventures in the structure determination of GPCRs:
                     What worked, what didn’t work and what does it all mean.
21:00 Networking

22:30 Bus departure

Day 2: Nov. 18th, Wednesday 
Practicals with 3 groups of 7-8 students each
Practical 1: Crystallization (Crystallization Facility X06DA-PXIII)
Practical 2: Data collection (X06SA-PXI and X10SA-PXII)
Practical 3: Data processing (WSLA/008)
08:30 - 12:00 Practicals 1-2-3
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 17:00 Practicals 1-2-3
18:00 - Conference dinner (Bären Würenlingen)

22:00 - Bus departure

Day 3: Nov. 19th, Thursday
08:30 - 12:00 Practicals 1-2-3
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch and Departure