September 28, 2015 to October 2, 2015
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone



The Workshop is limited to 25 participants only, mainly caused by the number of places at the facilities during the training phase. We encourage even experienced members of our user community to improve and update their knowledge in the field of neutron (and X-ray) imaging. With the assistance of the local and international experts you should be enabled to plan, perform and evaluate your future experiments in the most relevant and efficient way. However, potential new users for neutron imaging are invited in the same way.

IAEA supports 10 participants with grants, mainly given to experts from developing countries. A special application procedure has to be followed:

In order to participate in the workshop, the following steps must be completed:

A request for participation will only be accepted if the Participation Form (form A) is transmitted through the appropriate Governmental representative authority (i.e. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Atomic Energy Authority) requesting nomination and, if the IAEA receives the nomination by 15 July 2015. Persons from the IAEA Member States or invited international organizations are eligible to attend. Participants should be actively involved in the subject matter of the meeting. All persons wishing to participate in the work of this meeting are requested to complete a Participation Form (form A) and send it as soon as possible to the IAEA. Participants whose designations have been received by the IAEA will receive further details approximately 7 weeks before the meeting.
A verification of the nomination for the AUNIRA Trainings Workshop by the organizers is required for the all participants.