Tabletop source of hard x-rays: toward a compact XFEL
DrWilliam Graves(Arizona State University)
This talk will describe advances in accelerator and laser technologies that enable optimized production of intense beams of ultrashort x-ray pulses. The x-rays are produced by inverse Compton scattering of a high power laser pulse on a bright electron beam produced by a compact and inexpensive x-band linac and rf photoinjector. The resulting x-ray beam is orders of magnitude brighter than existing laboratory sources although it does not yet approach the power of the large facilities at national labs. We will also look into the near future to describe methods to generate nanopatterned electron beams that may be manipulated to produce fully coherent x-rays from a tabletop XFEL. Arizona State University is now beginning a major effort to realize these exciting new x-ray sources. For more details contact Thomas Schilcher (4593)