Oct 16 – 20, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status of atomic parity violations experiments

Oct 20, 2016, 10:00 AM
Oral Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model Th - 1


Dr Lorenz Willmann (Van Swinderen Institute, Groningen University)


Observing atomic parity violation in atomic systems provides a unique possibility for testing the predictions of the Standard Model at low momentum transfer. The nuclear spin independent part of the weak interactions permits the extraction of the weak mixing angle or Weinberg angle. A sensitivity beyond the most sensitive determination of this parameter in atomic system, i.e. in a cesium atomic beam, requires well chosen atomic systems, such as Ba+ and Ra+ ions or atomic Fr, as well as an excellent understanding of the atomic spectra of these systems. The status of the experimental and theoretical efforts which promise a fivefold improvement over the current best measurement in Cs will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Lorenz Willmann (Van Swinderen Institute, Groningen University)

Presentation materials