Oct 16 – 20, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone



Participants will be accommodated in the TURMPAVILLON and Hotel zur Therme (previously called KURHOTEL) in Bad Zurzach. Bad Zurzach is situated approx. 10 km from the Paul Scherrer Institut. Bus transfers from the hotel to PSI in the morning and back in the evening will be organized. 

We have made block reservations in the following hotels:
  • Hotel Tenedo ***
    • Standard room: CHF 128,-
  • Hotel zur Therme ****
    • Standard room: CHF 147,-
  • Turmhotel**
    • Standard room: CHF 106,-
All rooms are equipped with private bath, WC, color TV, minibar, radio and telephone. Prices include free access to the thermal bath and the SPA MEDICAL-WELLNESS CENTER, access directly from the hotels (bathrobe and towels are available in the room, but don't forget your swim suit!). 

Rooms are reserved on a "first come – first served" basis. Prices are guaranteed until June 30, 2016. 

For room reservations please contact info@thermalquelle.ch directly and indicate "PSI2016" to get a room of the block reservation at the special rate.