Oct 16 – 20, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

A novel neutron EDM search using a pulsed beam

Oct 17, 2016, 6:00 PM
Oral Searches for permanent electric dipole moments Mo - 4


Dr Florian Piegsa (ETH Zürich)


The search for a finite CP-violating neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) is motivated in order to understand the observed large matter-antimatter asymmetry in our universe. It has become a worldwide endeavour which is followed by various research teams setting up experiments for improved measurements. Recently, a novel concept to measure a nEDM has been brought forward [Phys. Rev. C 88, 045502 (2013)]. It foresees to employ a pulsed neutron beam instead of the well-established use of storable ultracold neutrons (UCN). The technique takes advantage of the high peak-intensity and the intrinsic time structure of next-generation pulsed spallation sources to directly measure the previously limiting relativistic effect. Such an experiment, e.g. set up at the planned European Spallation Source in Sweden, would be complementary to planned experiments with UCN and could compete with their sensitivities. In this presentation, I will describe this alternative approach and first preliminary experiments performed at the spallation neutron source SINQ at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.

Primary author

Dr Florian Piegsa (ETH Zürich)

Presentation materials