Tu - 1
- N. Saito
Zurab Berezhiani
(Univ. L'Aquila and Gran Sasso National Laboratories)
10/18/16, 9:00 AM
Searches for symmetry violations and new forces
I discuss the gauge flavor symmetry (SU(3) and its modifications) between three fermion families. The mass hierarchy between families and
the pattern of mixing angles is determined by the breaking pattern of this symmetry which can also lead to predictive schemes. I shall discuss the properties of flavor gauge bosons which should generically induce flavor-nondiagonal couplings, the...
Maynard Dewey
10/18/16, 9:30 AM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
Neutron beta decay is the simplest example of nuclear beta decay. A precise value of the neutron lifetime is important for consistency tests of the Standard Model and Big Bang nucleosysnthesis models. There is currently a disagreement between measurements of the neutron lifetime made using the cold neutron beam method and ultracold neutron storage methods. A new measurement of the neutron...
Christopher Morris
(Los Alamos)
10/18/16, 9:50 AM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
Recent measurements of the neutron lifetime have individually reported uncertainties of about 1 s but disagree by as much 7 s, resulting in a shift of about 6.5 sigma in the accepted value over recent years. Measurements based on the decay in flight of cold neutron beams appear to yield longer lifetimes than those based on counting surviving ultra-cold neutrons after storage in material-walled...
Marcus Beck
(for the aSPECT collaboration - Helmholtz-Institut Mainz and Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
10/18/16, 10:10 AM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
The aSPECT retardation spectrometer measures the beta−neutrino angular correlation coefficient a in free neutron-decay. This measurement can be used to determine the ratio gA/gV of the weak coupling constants, as well as to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
In 2013 aSPECT had a successful beam time at the Institut Laue-Langevin. The goal of this beam time is to improve the current...