Jan 7 – 12, 2018
ETH Zürich, centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

Presentation Formats

Poster Presentation

The poster sessions are scheduled on Tuesday, January 9, 2018 and Wednesday, January 10, 2018. Maximal poster size is A0, portrait-orientation.

Oral Presentation

The length of the oral presentations are limited to 9 minutes and are followed by 9 minutes discussion time to facilitate vivid discussions of the presented work. We kindly ask you to organise your presentation to shape into assort of introduction for the following discussion. There will be no parallel sessions at PCI: Your presentation will address all attendees with scientific backgrounds ranging form field studies to molecular fundamentals, from Space to Earth, and from laboratory work to computational studies.
  • Be provocative and stimulating rather than complete
  • Come up with a key statement and highlight what is new, valuable and advancing our understanding rather than elaborating on general aspects or experimental details.
  • Focus on the principle of your technique so that the broad audience can follow rather than explaining all details. You can show additional slides during the discussion once you are asked to give more details on specific aspects of your work.
Poster Madness

A selected number of posters will be presented during a short madness session. Please prepare 1-2 slides to introduce your research as well as a poster for display during the poster session. The length of the oral presentations are limited to 1 minute to promote vivid discussions of your presented poster.

We kindly ask you to organise your presentation to shape into assort of introduction for the following poster session. There will be no parallel sessions at PCI: Your presentation will address all attendees with scientific backgrounds ranging form field studies to molecular fundamentals, from Space to Earth, and from laboratory work to computational studies.