Technical support:
Francesco Canonaco,
Power socket
Make sure you do not forget to bring a plug converter for Switzerland along. Below a picture of the typical Swiss power socket. The European 2 pin plug works too.

- Make sure you have the PMF / ME-2 license. If you do not possess such a license, contact as soon as possible Pentii Paatero (
- SoFi runs on the software package Igor Wavemetrics. If you do not have Igor on your PC, download the free trial version from (
- SoFi stores all PMF results in object files (HDF files), in order to keep the current Igor experiment small and fast. The default settings in Igor unfortunately do not contain this package installed. You must enable this feature manually. If you are not able to import /export HDF files from your current Igor experiment, please follow the help menu in Igor under the tab (Data/Load Waves/Install HDF5 Browser)