SwissFEL operation software meeting

Working group for SwissFEL operation panels and tools.
    • Review list of open issues
      Convener: Didier Voulot
      • SwissFEl issues are to be reported here:
      • A. Facchetti will provide a new panel to automatise the actions required before and after a tunnel access. He will provide a concept for the new panel.
      • X,Y,Z,S coordinates are provided as epics channels e.g. SARUN03-MQUA080:Z-POS
      • ...

    • SwissFEL overview panel
      Convener: Didier Voulot
      • We will need to iterate the SwissFEL overview panel. Once the machine starts delivering beam the focus will be on photon diagnostics and vacuum, MPS, electron beam should (hopfully) become less relevant.
      • The panel should then have:
        • a layout with key information
        • a strip chart with the last 24h history of seom key parameters
        • some status information in a very condensed from (SLS style)
      • A separate web display with less information should also be prepared.
      • The current panel is well suited to commissioning. A few points to be improved:
        • Maschine -> Machine
        • Move MPS and Timing out next to each other (Timing out should better be MPS out)
        • Add energy from the energy server at each chicanes
      • The possibility to plot data against z-position and to position widget with a z-scaling will be provided by Anton. This could be applied for the layout part and BPM, BLM info. (This is also true for the MPS panel.)