Parallel Session C1: POWGEN T0 Baseplate Upgrade - A Lesson in Configuration Management
- David Anderson (ORNL)
Parallel Session C1: Cryogenic System for the Ultra cold Neutron source (UCN source) at the FRM II, Part 1: Design, Performances and Unique Properties
- Johann Schilcher (Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz FRM II, Technical University Munich)
Parallel Session C1: Cryogenic system for the Ultra cold Neutron Source (UCN source) at the FRM II, Part 2: Main features, commissioning, opeerating, simulation and experience
- Christian Bocquet (Technical University of Munich)
Parallel Session C1: Design and Performance of the Solid D2 Moderator System of the UCN Facility at PSI
- Bertrand Blau (PSI)
Parallel Session C1: Robot System of the Selene Guide in ESS-ESTIA Instrument
- Peter Heimgartner (Paul Scherrer Institut)