May 8 – 9, 2018
Paul Scherrer Institute, meeting room WBGB/019
Europe/Zurich timezone
<span style="color: #f00"><strong>Registration deadline Wed 2 May 2018</strong></span>

General Information

As previous meetings, this joint workshop will serve as a platform for the institutional partnership on the ongoing scientific activities of correlated electron systems, electronic and magnetic properties at surfaces/interfaces, novel quantum phases, new materials in energy researches, functional devices, researches using large facilities etc…, as well as for creating synergy on long-term collaborations. Beside the participants of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we have also invited distinguished scientists from Science and Technology, Tsinghua, Peking, Renmin and Zhejiang University (China) as well as scientists from Stanford and Rice University (USA) and a number scientists from various Swiss Universities.

Invited Speakers
Link to the list of invited speakers.

The Chinese delegation will be here from 8 - 10 May 2018. The first two days are reserved for the scientific sessions, for further detail please refer to the scientific programme. The last day is reserverd for a site visit or an excursion.

Venue (will be signposted from the PSI entrance West)
Meeting room WBGB/019, Time Out building, Paul Scherrer Institut

Access to the PSI West premises
Your personal visitor badge will be ready for collection at the security desk located at PSI west.
Before departing on your last day, please deposit your badge in the designated box outside the PSI guesthouse reception.

Workshop dinner on Tuesday 8 May 2018
at the restaurant Hirschen in Villigen

Shuttle bus schedule
18:20 - PSI bus stop west departure of shuttle bus 1 to restaurant Hirschen
18:30 - PSI bus stop west departure of shuttle bus 2 & 3 to restaurant Hirschen
18:30 - 19:15 aperitif in the wine cellar
19:15 - ~21:30 workshop dinner in the restaurant
departure of white bus to Brugg Station (20 seats)
(to guarantee fast train connections at the full hour)
21:45 departure of red shuttle bus to Böttstein  (17 seats)
22:05 departure of red shuttle bus to Brugg Station
(17 seats)