6–8 Feb 2019
Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Artificial 2DXY mesospins

Not scheduled
Bad Zurzach, Switzerland

Bad Zurzach, Switzerland

Thermalquellen Resort, 5330 Bad Zurzach Switzerland
Poster (contributed) Poster Session (with Coffee Break)


Ms Nanny Strandqvist (Uppsala University)


The possibility to tailor geometries and lattices of nanosized magnetic elements allows one to design close to arbitrary types of magnetic metamaterials. Here we will address the magnetic properties of 2DXY mesospins, having hexagonal and square lattice arrangement. We will investigate the thermally induced order-disorder phase transitions for a range of interactions by altering the lattice distance. As well as the internal spin dimensionality of the circular islands (2&3D), showing that both the strength of the interaction between the elements and symmetry play an important role for the obtained collective order. We will also discuss the possibility of using XRMS for obtaining information on the magnetic correlations by exploiting reciprocal space in 2DXY systems.

Primary author

Ms Nanny Strandqvist (Uppsala University)


Prof. Björgvin Hjörvarsson (Uppsla University, Department of physics and astronomy) Mr Björn Erik Skovdal (Uppsala University) Dr Henry Stopfel (Uppsala University) Dr Vassilios Kapaklis (Uppsala University)

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