6–8 Feb 2019
Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone


We have reserved single and double rooms at hotels belonging to the ThermalQuellen Resort in Bad Zurzach, which can be booked until January 11th 2019.

Please book your rooms by filling out the appropriate booking form below and send it to
margit.braun-shea@psi.ch. For invited speakers, the accommodation cost will be covered by the conference committee. For accompanying researchers the accommodation will be partially covered by an amount to be determined later. Please note that we do not pay any costs related to your travel.

Booking forms:


Invited speakers:  FORM
Other participants: FORM

The fees are as follows:



Room for 1 person, including breakfast, one night             CHF 130.00
Room for 2 persons, including breakfast, one night             CHF 210.00