6–8 Feb 2019
Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Nanomagnetic Writing via Dynamic Magnetic Charge: Magnonic Applications & Developments Beyond Surface Probe Lithography

Not scheduled
Bad Zurzach, Switzerland

Bad Zurzach, Switzerland

Thermalquellen Resort, 5330 Bad Zurzach Switzerland
Poster (contributed) Poster Session (with Coffee Break)


Dr Jack C. Gartside (Imperial College London)


Much of the intrigue and utility of nanomagnetic systems arises from the properties of specific system-wide magnetic configurations, or microstates.
From practical applications such as data storage to microstates of fundamental interest such as ground states or metastable particle-like excitations, the ability to prepare systems in any given microstate is of crucial importance.
Historically, microstate preparation methods have been
somewhat limited – relying on globally-applied or stripline-generated fields and thermalisation protocols to access a limited range of states. Groups have recently demonstrated that the dynamic magnetic charge of a scanning MFM tip may be used to write all conceivable microstates but with the cumbersome caveat that the sample is situated within expensive and cumbersome SPM hardware.
We present developments and applications of the dynamic magnetic-charge writing method ‘Topological Defect-Driven Magnetic Writing’ (TMW), outlining a fully solid-state and current-addressable SPM-free solution replacing the MFM tip with alternative magnetic charge sources.
This improved technique is leveraged to realise novel reconfigurable magnonic circuit elements, implemented within strongly-interacting nanomagnetic networks.

Primary author

Dr Jack C. Gartside (Imperial College London)


Mr Alex Vanstone (Imperial College London) Dr Andy Moskalenko (Imperial College London) Dr Daan M Arroo (UCL) Prof. Lesley F Cohen (Imperial College London) Dr Will Branford (Imperial College London)

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