Yoshio Kamiya
(International Center for Elementary Particle Physics, The University of Tokyo)
Gravitationally bound quantum states of ultracold neutrons, which have been measured using pixelated silicon imaging sensor for cold neutrons[1], would be an unique and interesting system to see gravity-like phenomena beyond Newtonian expressions or the general relativity. We are now designing and developing the experimental details to manipulate this quantum system to fit our planning experiment of testing the weak equivalence principle, as the first physics target. In this presentation, current situation of developments are shown.
[1] G. Ichikawa, S. Komamiya, Y. Kamiya et al., PRL 112, 071101 (2014)
Primary author
Yoshio Kamiya
(International Center for Elementary Particle Physics, The University of Tokyo)
Giuseppe Iacobucci
(The University of Geneva)
Sachio Komamiya
(Waseda University)