20–25 Oct 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Ordinary Muon Capture studies for the matrix elements in double-beta decay.

22 Oct 2019, 18:08
WHGA/001 - Auditorium (PSI)

WHGA/001 - Auditorium



Daniya Zinatulina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


In the poster we observe our previous experience at the PSI muon facility, namely high precision gamma-spectroscopy with negative slow muons on the μE-4 and μΕ-1 beams with HPGe – detectors and with isotopically enriched targets (solid and gas). Such experiments could be divided in to three parts: 1) Doppler profile of gamma-lines following OMC (angular correlation with neutrino) ; 2) Partial capture rates (for double beta decay, as an example) ; 3) Muonic X-rays (electronic catalogue www.muxrays.jinr.ru) .

Primary author

Daniya Zinatulina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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