A 15-20 MeV/nucleon iso-FFA for Radioisotope Production*

Nov 20, 2019, 11:00 AM
WBGB/019 (TimeOut)



Paul Scherrer Institute Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland


Dr Carol Johnstone (Fermilab)


A compact, isochronous fixed-field, gradient ion accelerator, ~1.5 meters in radius, is under design utilizing high-gradient cavities in order to accelerate multi-ion species up to 15-20 MeV/u with large turn-to turn, centimeter-level separation for low-loss extraction without the need for lossy foil stripping. A strong-focusing radial field profile is optimized in a separated-sector format establishing control over machine tune simultaneously imposing isochronous orbit requirements to promote high-current (~0.5 milliamp) operation. Innovation in injection will be introduced to replace the high-loss central region; either an ion RFQ or a solid-state tandem. Designing for a charge to mass of ½ is proposed to allow either protons in the form of H2+ and light ions (up to Ca) to be accelerated and delivered using the same system. The high-current machine under design is ideal for producing radioisotopes with numerous applications in medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, agriculture, include national security and environmental and materials science. Further, the use of separated sectors allows extraction or insertion of targets at optimal energies for isotope production. With multi-ion capability (H2+ and He2+) both 211At and 225Ac can be mass produced. Additionally, an intense neutron beam can be generated using a high current of protons on a Be target for production of Moly-99; a reaction which requires less energy per secondary neutron than a current approach using a DT source.

  • Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation under SBIR grant DE-SC0020009

Primary author

Dr Carol Johnstone (Fermilab)


Ron Agustsson (Radiabeam) Dr Salime Boucher (Radiabeam) Dr Alexander Smirnov (Radiabeam) Richard Lanza (MIT) Dr Sergey Kutsaev (Radiabeam)

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