The CBETA project [1] is the first and unique of its kind electron accelerator which combines two accelerator concepts together. The Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) and the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFA_G) concepts. The CBETA project is currently in the commissioning stage and some of the beam optics of the accelerator has be done using lamp-magnet methods to describe the fields of the...
Current status and future plans of the FFA main ring at KURNS will be presented.
Intense negative muon is useful for reduction and recycling the radioactive wastes from nuclear plants. As an intense negative muon source, MERIT(Multiplex Energy Recovery Internal Target) scheme was proposed. To prove the principle of the MERIT scheme, FFA ring (MERIT-PoP ring) has been developed and the beam experiment was carried out. In this presentation, the detail of this study will be reported.
A new scheme for muon production and acceleration with FFAG is presented.
Vertical excursion FFA's (vFFA) momentum compaction factor is zero like linac. That makes the machine isochronous for ultra-relativistic particles. Applications of vFFA for muon accumulation and acceleration were considered. It would be ideal as a muon accumulator of the LEMMA scheme and a muon accelerator of collider complex. We will discuss the design and issues.
The purpose of this study is a basic research for an optical design of the Vertical FFA. This study proposed a New method of an orbit analysis using an approximate transfer matrix and verified. In addition to this, I report current progress of a design electromagnet with Opera3d.
Triton FFA 2-way collider for efficient muon production for muon catalyzed fusion has been designed. Characteristics and expected performance of the ring are presented.
A compact, isochronous fixed-field, gradient ion accelerator, ~1.5 meters in radius, is under design utilizing high-gradient cavities in order to accelerate multi-ion species up to 15-20 MeV/u with large turn-to turn, centimeter-level separation for low-loss extraction without the need for lossy foil stripping. A strong-focusing radial field profile is optimized in a separated-sector format...
Precise neutrino cross section measurements and search for sterile neutrinos can be done with neutrino beams produced from muons decaying in a storage ring due to its precisely known flavour content and spectrum. In the proposed nuSTORM facility pions would be directly injected into a racetrack storage ring, where circulating muon beam would be captured. The storage ring has three options: a...
Rapid cycling synchrotrons are limited in duty cycle from ramped magnetic fields, with 50-60Hz the current or practical technical state of the art. To achieve a higher cycling rate requires fixed magnetic fields. A strong-focusing proton synchrotron with fixed magnetic fields and swept-frequency RF (53 MHz at extraction) has been proposed to replace the present 8 GeV Fermilab Booster...
In this talk I will give an overview of activities in the new Medical Accelerator Physics group particularly in the area of FFA accelerators. Australia is rapidly moving toward realisation of their first proton therapy facilities and a national working group has been convened to plan for a heavy ion (p, He, C, etc) treatment and research facility. Together with CERN and other European partners...
LhARA (Laser hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications) aims to provide multi-ion beams for in-vitro and in-vivo radiobiological studies to inform the next generation radiotherapy. As the source of ion beams a thin target irradiated by high power laser will be used followed by a capture and transport system based on Gabor Lenses. In the next stage of the project FFA accelerator is...
A zgoubi workshop - actually, more of a "zgoubi tutorial" - was organized in Boulder, CO, last August (, latest one in a long series which started in the early 2000s with the re-birth of FFAG science and happened to cover EMMA at Daresbury, FFAG schools, CBETA prototyping today, etc. The Boulder workshop gathered 20 attendees, who bent and sweat during four days...
After a general introduction of OPAL, I will introduce a set of new features available with version 2.0 [1]. All new features will be presented together with examples of ongoing research projects. In the OPAL-cyc flavour, a robust way of generating matched distributions with linear space charge is introduced. A new method for describing fixed field accelerators (FFAs) in a very general way...
Precise accelerator simulations are powerful tools in the design and optimization of exiting and new charged particle accelerators. We all know from experience, the computational burden of precise simulations often limits their use in practice. This becomes a real hurdle when requiring real time computation. I will demonstrate two techniques, based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion [1] and Deep...
LEMMA is studying the possibility of a future muon collider where muons are produced from positrons impinging on a target. Unlike conventional muon sources, muons are produced with a very small emittance, however, a small population is produced due to the small cross section of the e+e- annihilation into muons. In order to increase the muon beam population, we are currently designing a muon...
We discuss the main factors that influence the space charge induced vortex
motion of particles within high intensity bunches (Gordon 1969)
in isochronous circular machines.
Firstly a phase slip due to deviations from strict isochronism determines
if the bunches of a specific turn are above, below or at "transition",
and hence whether stable vortex motion of the bunches is possible at...
The novel superconducting (SC) gantry has become a research hotspot with the tendency of compact proton therapy system. The footprint and weight of the gantry can be significant reduced by using SC magnets, and alternating gradient field of local achromatic bending sectors provides large momentum acceptance which means the magnetic field of SC magnets can remain fixed during tumor treatment....