Next generation Hadron therapy, FFA beamlines and plans at the University of Melbourne

20 Nov 2019, 14:45
WBGB/019 (TimeOut)



Paul Scherrer Institute Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland


Suzie Sheehy (University of Melbourne)


In this talk I will give an overview of activities in the new Medical Accelerator Physics group particularly in the area of FFA accelerators. Australia is rapidly moving toward realisation of their first proton therapy facilities and a national working group has been convened to plan for a heavy ion (p, He, C, etc) treatment and research facility. Together with CERN and other European partners who are embarking on a new design study ‘Next Ion Medical Machine Study’, there is great interest in FFA optics for large acceptance gantries. In Melbourne, we will work on designs for these gantries and are in the process of planning a test-beamline which is scaled down to suit a 1-4 MeV proton accelerator already in operation in Melbourne, in collaboration with industry. This flexible test beamline can be used to test FFA concepts and research questions, as well as potentially providing a unique platform for radiobiology studies.

Primary author

Suzie Sheehy (University of Melbourne)

Presentation materials