19–22 Nov 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Design of LhARA facility

20 Nov 2019, 16:00
WBGB/019 (TimeOut)



Paul Scherrer Institute Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland


Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College London/RAL-STFC)


LhARA (Laser hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications) aims to provide multi-ion beams for in-vitro and in-vivo radiobiological studies to inform the next generation radiotherapy. As the source of ion beams a thin target irradiated by high power laser will be used followed by a capture and transport system based on Gabor Lenses. In the next stage of the project FFA accelerator is planned to allow further acceleration of the ion beams. The design of the beam transport and the FFA ring is presented. The options for the FFA ring are also discussed.

Primary author

Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College London/RAL-STFC)

Presentation materials