September 12, 2011
University of Berne
Europe/Zurich timezone
The SwissFEL team of the Paul Scherrer Institute invites you to attend two workshops on hard X-ray instrumentation at the SwissFEL X-ray Free Electron Laser facility. The hard X-ray SwissFEL beamline „ARAMIS“ (0.1 – 0.7 nm wavelength) will begin commissioning in mid-2016, with user operation in 2017 in two experimental areas. The third area will go into operation at a later date, and the soft X-ray beamline „ATHOS“ (0.7 – 7 nm wavelength) will come online in 2019. The present workshops will assist in the planning of the ARAMIS beamlines and experimental stations. The workshop dates and themes will be as follows: Workshop 1: September 12, 2011: Spectroscopic experiments Workshop 2: November 21, 2011: Scattering and diffraction experiments In advance of the workshops, a brochure will be distributed with proposed beamline specifications. The workshops will be based on poster contributions from potential national and international user groups. Following overview talks by the SwissFEL team, short oral presentations will be made of each poster. The workshops will conclude with an open discussion of controversial issues. Both workshops will be held at the University of Berne and will be scheduled to allow single-day train travel from all of Switzerland. Young researchers, including postdocs and PhD students, are particularly encouraged to contribute innovative and unconventional posters. Several posters from a single research group are welcome. It is intended to collect and distribute the posters electronically prior to each workshop.
University of Berne
Hallerstrasse 6 3012 Berne