August 29, 2011 to September 2, 2011
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

The goal
The first exploratory workshop, ERAWAST I, held at PSI in November 2006, explored the possibility of an international network for the exploitation of accelerator waste materials with regard to use as a source of exotic radionuclides for basic science and technological applications. The workshop brought together partners from both the production facilities as well as application domains. The main outcome of this workshop was the establishment of an international collaboration, and the identification of both “early-to realize” and “long-term” experiments and applications. After 5 years, it is time to evaluate the main achievements and to define future work and possibilities.


The topics

  • Production and separation of exotic radionuclides
  • Nuclear astrophysics
  • Basic nuclear physics
  • Accelerator mass spectrometry
  • Environmental Chemistry

Hosting organization
Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen.